Today MTV2 played the video for “There There” at the top of every hour. Chris Hopewell is listed as the video’s director. A BBC interview with Hopewell is online and you can watch his short animated feature The Day of the Subgenius. Chris Hopewell has worked for the Bolex Brothers and Collision Films.
5 replies on “Message 113: Chris Hopewell”
Hi Guys,
I have a question for the die hard fans, does anyone know who the Special Effects guys; John Williams / Dave Lea are, i need some info on them, im trying to write up a story…anyone who can help me, id really appreciate it, thanks..
Hi there Liz,
I worked with John and Dave on the ‘There, There’ video. I’ve just been working on the Collision films website and happened to stumble across your question. I’m due to see Dave later on this week, if you email me your email address or other contact details I can ask him to get in touch with you.
Greetings. I recently saw, for the first time, the new Radiohead video for the song, “There, There”. I was very impressed with the special effects. I think I saw it refered to as, “human animation”. I was hoping to gain some insight as to just how this effect is accomplished. I’m a bit of an animation buff, and I’ve never really seen anything just like it. Any explination you could offer would be greatly appriciated. Thanks.
Hi Chris; it’s been very hard to find how to contact you, I’d appreciate if you could send me in reply your direct contact; we’re very interested in your work.
Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.
Carlos Padilla
VP Marketing
Silverlight Records.
Hi Chris and everyone!
Your work on The Day of the Subgenius was impressive. It was funny, but with some serious undertones of reality. Good stuff. By the way, Chris, I like your name too! Sounds so familiar…