Lines 9-11 of “Electioneering” read:
Riot shields, voodoo economics,
it’s just business, cattle prods and the I.M.F.
I trust I can rely on your vote.
Riot shields are available for purchase here. Notice in the demonstration picture that a minority is being detained by two caucasians with a “detention shield” that curves away from the user. The phrase “voodoo economics” may have been used first in 1984 by Geraldine Ferraro, though it may have been used before. Cattle prods can be bought online here. You can also visit the web site of the IMF.
3 replies on “Message 91: Cattle Prods”
I hate to tell you this, because I agree with your basic point and sarcasm in the post, but I’m pretty sure that one of the men doing the detaining is black.
yeah ..i’m doing the detaining.
Shawn: point well taken. However, I’m not so sure the person on the right isn’t caucasian. Even if he isn’t, he is relatively deracialized in comparison to the person being detained whom we’re clearly meant to understand as African-American.